Sunday, 1 April 2018

Planning Summer 2018: Booking ferries

In the past, we've only blogged trips on Little Rabbit's Planning. After a couple of days of migraine-inducing marathon planning for Summer 2018, I set myself a limit of 1 hour/day and decided to blog the process.

Myeah. It's time to book the ferries, or rather, it's gone time. Last I checked, a mere six weeks ago, ferry dates for Cape Breton to Newfoundland were not open. Now, all the nice fancy cabins are gone already - and we're talking August here!! Never mind, the consequence of that is that Mike and I have a four-berth cabin to ourselves. At least, I presume we have it to ourselves. It's quite expensive, but I think it's a little less than we budgeted for initially.

Also, I booked the short ferry ride between PEI and Nova Scotia. That was cheap and easy. 

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