Hi, welcome to Pen, Mike and Antonia's travel blog. We started it back it many years back in honour of our Round-the-World trip. For the last few years we've been settled in London, and revive it every so often, when we actually go somewhere. In a couple of years time, we'll all be off again.

If you'd like to know more, below are some miscellaneous things about Pen, Mike and Antonia (but only five for Little Rabbit, who is secretive).  If you want to know anything else, just ask!

  1. Maybe thinks of London as home, but knows the UK isn't.
  2. Still wants to adopt a permanently mobile, digitally nomadic lifestyle with more time for researching and creating.
  3. Is quite good at making things really happen that other people were thinking of more as idle conversation.
  1. Likes having lots of place to spread his stuff around. Give him a space and he will spread. 
  2. Thrives on total chaos, and is adept at creating it when necessary.
  3. Thinks chatting online with his friends and associates in other time zones is the perfect substitute for sleep and/or travel.
    1. Is a natural-born global citizen, with three passports, two fluent languages and a smattering of others.
    2. Doesn't know where she wants to live when she grows up, but likes her climates cold.
    3. Is a hard-working student, a talented artist, all-round nice person and nearly grown up already.
    Little Rabbit
    1. Was a Lufthansa travel rabbit, presented to Antonia in 2004 as part of an in-flight entertainment pack.
    2. Has traveled with us to Iceland, India, New Zealand, the USA and various countries in Europe.
    3. Is female, and got very angry when people failed to notice.
    4. Frequently had behavioral issues, but meant well and liked carrots.
    5. Decided to leave us one day, while we were eating lunch in a Chinese restaurant. We miss her.