Thursday, 21 January 2010

Adventure coming up!

I will be forty in 1 hour, but I'm not sure if I'm staying up to see it in. For one thing, Mike is taking me on a magical mystery birthday adventure tomorrow. I am really excited, because that is just about a first! He usually hates planning things. Wait... maybe he hasn't planned it, and will be making it up as he goes along???!! I have had to prepare my cross-country ski gear, my swimsuit and my pyjamas, so those are my only clues as to what we're going to be doing.

Besides that, I am excited about the next decade, which is definitely earmarked for travel and adventure. I had intended to do such things in my twenties, but, well, what with one thing and another, it didn't happen. Then I spent my thirties bringing up a kiddie. She is definitely adventure-ready now, so I think I've done an OK job. It might take a few months to a year to get everything lined up, but then we are off!

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