Monday, 18 January 2010

The next phase of planning

We just got back from the UK, where we have been working hard making our London house ready for tenants, and finding tenants to put in it. Now, we've handed the house off to an agency. They'll charge us a percentage of course, but given our situation, it's a necessary expense. It should mean that our house will produce reasonably reliable income to pay for our RTW trip whilst we ignore it. The next job is to do the same with the French house. The French house was pretty much a wreck when we bought it, and although it is now modern and comfortable, we have been slack when it comes to finishing off the decorating. There is a lot to do before we can exchange or rent it, and that will be our main project for the next six months or so.

At the same time, we have started to stick pins on the map for places we would like to go. I have been using Google maps, but I haven't made my map publically accessible yet. I was actually just fooling around, then Mike asked me to share the map with him, so he could add stuff too. If he does, it will be something of a first. I will see what I think of Google maps as a planning tool when I've used it a bit. For now, it sometimes works for me and sometimes does strange and unexpected things.

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