Monday, 15 August 2011

Day 131: Putting Green

This morning, David took us to the putting green which is like a kind of miniature golf course for adults.  There are 18 holes which sort of resemble the green part of a full golf course.  You would use them to practice the putting aspect of golfing, so one of the things about them is that they are quite a bit more challenging than the greens you find on a course for real - so David tells me.  They have bends and bumps and sideways tips, and all that sort of thing, all covered over with completely level grass of course.  We also had a score card which is rather similar to the one you use on a full golf course I suppose.  To start with I found that having a score was distracting me from being really focused on what I was trying to do, but eventually I got into it.  This made absolutely no difference to my scores as far as I can tell - they ranged from pitiful to adequate either way.  Since on our last visit David took us to the driving range, I've now had a taster of both sides of golf.  I enjoyed it a lot, so I'll probably do some more if I get a chance.  I don't know if I could ever get really, really into it, because the rounds take so long.

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