Sunday, 5 February 2012

Day 307: In which they run us out of Arrowtown (just kidding)

Last night I finished my book on ancient Australian archaeology and I was thinking I would have a nice relaxing day, pack my bag, have an aperitif with our new friends in Arrowtown, stuff like that.  In the morning I did a bit of writing and set off for a little walk along the gorge and river.  When I got back, I found Mike and Antonia shovelling our things into the car as fast as they could.  Whoops! It turns out we are checking out today, not tomorrow.  Actually, it was not such a hassle.  Nothing is really a hassle in NZ.  We checked into the hotel next door, rearranged the location of our aperitif and went for a picnic by Lake Hayes. Antonia and I went swimming in the lake.  After realising that the water was very clear, we got the masks and snorkels out and went swimming over the weeds.  At some points we were swimming through forests of tall thin stalks with golden leaves, then occasionally we'd get into places where the mud was churned up for some reason and it was like swimming through a blizzard.  Lots of fun, but we didn't see any fish.  It's a very nice warm Sunday and quite sociable down at the lake today, so I expect all the fish have gone to hang out at the other end.

Unfortunately, I forgot to ask Mike to take a picture of me looking like a Bond girl in my wetsuit, but I realised we haven't included any pictures of Arrowtown so far, so here's a couple.

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