Thursday, 22 March 2012

Days 348 - 354: Bay of Islands in the rain

We arrived in the Bay of Islands after a very long day of driving and settled in.  During the night it began to rain.  It rained and it rained, for days and days.  At night, we were kept awake by wind and rain.  On the news, Northland is flooded and roads are impassable, quite close to where we are.  This is the most rain we've experienced on our whole trip.  Oh well.  We are using the opportunity to get on with our work and studies respectively.  And also to watch television.  Television in New Zealand is interesting.  Most of the programmes are appalling, they are just imports from the UK or USA, or even Australia, and not always the best quality of import at that.  But the news is actually good. People discuss issues and raise points on it in a calm and reasoned manner.  Hmmm...

There are some other things about life in New Zealand that are interesting. In New Zealand, you don't find (at least not as much): dish-washers, dryers, bathtubs, ridiculously huge houses.... or insulation. So it's kind of a mix of the mostly good and not so good as far as carbon footprints are concerned.  In Northland, the Bay of Islands area, many people are on rain tanks for water as they were in Tasmania, but this isn't typical of the country as a whole.  At the moment we are staying in a house that has rain tanks and a bathtub, and we are using the latter because the former are overflowing.

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