Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Real Alcazar in Seville

Today we went on a round-trip to Seville to see the Real Alcazar. We also found time to wander round the old town and laugh at the outrageous, and outrageously priced flamenco dresses. It rained hard while we were having lunch in a tapas bar, and we had to make a run for the palace. We wandered through the beautiful tiled and stuccoed rooms and courtyards in Islamic style and the sun came out in time for us to explore the even more beautiful gardens.

We spent four hours in the palace altogether, exploring and drawing things. The birds (doves, parakeets, peacocks, ...) were really excited about the sun coming out too, sometimes we could hardly hear each other in the garden. This is one of my favourite places in the world (better than the Alhambra!) I could spend days in here.

Antonia was in charge of photography today!

Actually, I've got my eyes closed because she told me too, so I wouldn't comment on her having the camera upside down.

We didn't leave Seville until 6:00pm so we got back to Fuente more or less at sunset and ate a quick supper in the van. There may be a lot of orange trees in the gardens of the Alcazar, but the landscape around between here and Seville is pretty much covered with olive trees. Some of them are now sitting in large, unexpected puddles of water.

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