Saturday, 9 April 2011

Day 6: Degree ceremony

I got closure on my 9 year Open University degree adventure before leaving.  This is me admitting to my name to the master of ceremonies.

Je suis licenciée !  Enfin, diplomée...  en histoire de l'art.  Eh oui, tout en habitant la France, je suivais les cours à distance de l'Open University en Anglais.  On a passé la journée à Harrogate pour les cérémonies.

The highlights of my day were the delicious lunch my parents bought us at Van Zeller's and this amazing drawing Antonia did of the OU shield.  She even has the motto 'Learn and Live', or as my brother would have it 'Earn and Live'.  We went to the ceremony in Harrogate, a town I haven't been in since I was 19.  Before that we lived there for nearly 10 years.  Yorkshire and Yorkshire people have a recognizable style of their own which we was something I never realized when I lived here.

The OU was a great experience with very good quality, challenging courses.  I would definitely recommend it.

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