Saturday, 2 July 2011

Day 91: Yosemite to Monterey

We have 'found' a perfect campsite in the hills above Monterey with our first view of the Pacific. Actually, it's where one of Mike's relatives lives, and since they have 3 huge cats, their house is a bit out of bounds for me. It took us five hours to get here from Yosemite.  First, we drove past 7 miles of traffic queue trying to get into Yosemite and felt glad we weren't in it.  After a while we looked for a place to stop for lunch and found ourselves trapped in one of these places where all the land is private.  There is literally nowhere for miles where you can pull off and picnic!  There are plenty of restaurants that will serve you too much food.  I began meditating on this whole self-reinforcing system of people who know they are going to have to stop at a restaurant, so they resign themselves to that fact, and eat too much food, and get in the habit of doing that, and get fat!!  In the end, we found a place to stop in the car park of a large shopping mall, which is hardly ideal.  I have to start planning our lunch stops using the map! 

We had some interesting chats about travel technology on arrival.  Our GPS makes some interesting choices of route sometimes.  Today, it took us on a tiny, windy route over the hills, because that happened to be the shortest route in miles.  We were very happy with this, but our hostess told us a lot of warning stories about people who got into trouble for blindly following GPSs - which I guess is possible.  I've also had my first close look at a real Kindle.  Kindle on my laptop is what keeps me reading on this trip.  I think I'm going to stick to that for a while to keep our equipment to a minimum, but the actual Kindle device has some significant advantages in terms of power use and not tiring your eyes. That's starting to feel very appealing.

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