Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Day 94: Administration day

Another nice view, of San Francisco bay, this time...

It's just as well for us we've returned to civilization after our stay in the wilds of the desert and Yosemite because we have a few things to take care of.  Sometimes, in doing this, you learn more about local cultures than by visiting monuments and parks.  I learned:
  • That an 'emergency' visit to the dentist in the US doesn't necessarily break the bank as much as I had feared.  Mike's being having some trouble with his teeth.  He got an x-ray, an hour of good advice, and the least invasive attempt at treatment for $70.
  • That girls' clothing is even more useless compared to boys' than in Europe.  Antonia has grown out of trousers that fit her perfectly when we started our trip three months ago.  We looked at racks of flimsy little things that would break on the first rock or tree, and leave her knees in shreds too.  Then she settled on camouflage cargo pants from the boys' section.
  • In France, the hairdresser's are obliged to wash your hair for reasons of hygiene before they cut it.  In California, they have to tie a piece of tissue paper round your neck before they start, for the same reasons! 
  • Apartment blocks in the US often include gyms for the residents, which is very good for me.
  • Unlike the East Coast, towns in California do have nice little town centers where you might actually want to spend time, though they are not pedestrianized, of course.  The motor car rules!!

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